聖經 Biblical
BB1* | 研經及釋經原理 (Principles of Biblical Study and Interpretation) |
BL1 | 活學活用希伯來文 (Elementary Hebrew: Learn and Use) |
BL2.1 | 希臘文(1)(Greek(1)) |
BL2.2 | 希臘文 (2) (Greek (2)) |
BO1* | 舊約背景及信息 (Old Testament Background and Message) |
BO1.1 | 五經信息 (The Message of the Pentateuch) |
BO1.1.1 | 創世記信息 (The Message of Genesis) |
BO1.2 | 歷史書信息 (The Message of the Historical Books) |
BO1.2.4 | 撒母耳記信息 (The Message of Samuel) |
BO1.2.7(g) | 以斯拉記 (The Message of Ezra) |
BO1.3 | 詩歌書信息 (The Message of the Poetical Books) |
BO1.3.1 | 約伯記信息 (The Message of the Book of Job) |
BO1.3.2 | 詩篇信息 (The Message of Psalms) |
BO1.4 | 先知書信息 (The Message of the Prophets) |
BO1.4.1 | 以賽亞書信息 (The Message of Isaiah) |
BO1.4.5 | 但以理書信息 (The Message of The Book of Daniel) |
BO1.4.5(g) | 但以理書信息 (Guided Study – The Message of Daniel) |
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BN1* | 新約背景及信息 (New Testament Background and Message) |
BN1.1 | 福音書信息 (The Message of the Gospels) |
BN1.1.1 | 馬太福音信息 (The Message of the Gospel of Matthew) |
BN1.1.3 | 路加福音信息 (The Message of the Gospel of Luke) |
BN1.2 | 使徒行傳信息 (The Message of Acts) |
BN1.3 | 保羅書信信息 (The Message of the Pauline Epistles) |
BN1.3.1 | 羅馬書信息 (The Message of Romans) |
BN1.3.2 | 哥林多前書信息 (The Message of the First Corinthians) |
BN1.3.3 | 哥林多後書信息 (The Message of the Second Corinthians) |
BN1.3.5(7) | 以弗所書及歌羅西書信息 (The Message of Ephesians and Colossians) |
BN1.3.6(g) | 腓立比書 (The Message of Philippians) |
BN1.3.10(g) | 提摩太前書信息 (The Message of First Timothy) |
BN1.4 | 普通書信信息 (The Message of the General Epistles) |
BN1.4.1 | 希伯來書信息 (The Message of the Letter to the Hebrews) |
BN1.4.3 | 彼得前書信息 (The Message of the First Peter) |
BN1.4.4 | 彼得後書信息 (The Message of the Second Peter) |
BN1.5 | 啟示錄信息 (The Message of Revelation) |
BNFT1 | 聖地考察:新約篇(上) —跟隨耶穌腳踪行 (Studies on the Holy Land: New Testament—part one: Retrace Jesus’ Steps) |
神學 Theological
T1* | 基礎教義 (Basic Christian Doctrines) |
T1.1* | 基礎教義(1) 聖靈觀與教會觀 (Basic Christian Doctrines(1): Pneumatology and Ecclesiology) |
T1.4 | 教會論:教會應該往那裡走? (Ecclesiology:Where Should the Church Go?) |
T2.1 | 教會歷史(上)(Church History 1) |
T2.2 | 教會歷史(下) (Church History 2) |
T2.3 | 基督教來華史 |
T3 | 基督教倫理學 (Christian Ethics) |
T4 | 宣教學導論 (Introduction to Missiology) |
T5 | 中華神學課題的研究 |
T5a | 從聖經與神學反省中國的處境及文化 |
牧養 Ministerial
M1* | 現代講道技巧 (Preaching to a Contemporary World) |
M2 | 禱告神學與實踐 (Theology and Practice of Prayer) |
M3 | 敬拜神學與實踐 (Theology and Practice of Worship) |
M4 | 佈道與護教 (Evangelism and Apologetics) |
M5 | 關懷貧窮事工 (Mission for the Poor) |
M5b | 中華神學課題的研究 |
M6 | 基督教輔導 (Christian Counseling: Providing Counseling as a Christian) |
M6.1 | 基督教輔導技巧(I) (Christian Counselling Skills I) |
M6.2 | 教會輔導與關懷 |
M7 | 教牧學 (Pastoral Care) |
M8/L8 | 聖靈帶領的事奉 (The Spirit-led Ministry) |
M9/L9 | 新媒體宣教與牧養 (New Media in Missionary and Pastoral Care) |
M10/L10 | 婦女與成長 |
M10a/L10a | 女性的自我追尋與成長 |
M11/L11 | 危機處理暨醫院探訪 |
領袖 Leadership
L1* | 靈命建立 (Spiritual Formation) (1學分) |
L2.1* | 恢復屬神身份和命定(基礎課程) (Restoring Spiritual Identity and Destiny RID1) |
L2.2 | 恢復屬神身份和命定(進深課程) (Restoring Spiritual Identity and Destiny RID2) |
L3 | 聖靈與屬靈恩賜 (The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts) |
L4 | 門徒訓練 (Intentional Disciple Making in a Postmodern World ) |
L5 | 關懷貧窮事工 (Mission for the Poor) |
L6 | 高效能的教會領袖 (Effective Church Leader) |
L7a | 領導策略 – 如何化解困難? |
L8/M8 | 聖靈帶領的事奉 (Spirit-led Ministry) |
L9/M9 | 新媒體宣教與牧養 (New Media in Missionary and Pastoral Care) |
L10/M10 | 婦女與成長 |
L10a/M10a | 女性的自我追尋與成長 |
L11/M11 | 危機處理暨醫院探訪 |
L12 | 「教會和諧人際關係」之建立 |
L13 | 性格與團隊 |
學徒實習 Mentored Ministry
MM1-3 | 前線基層實習 (Ground Level Ministry) |
MM4-6 | 非本區實習 (Non Own Zone Ministry) |
MM7-9 | 本區實習 (Own Zone Ministry) |