Course Objectives:
The Shofar is a pivotal instrument for the restoration of creation to Creator’ design for creation. Throughout time, Creator has used the shofar sound to announce and activate epoch-shaping moments of change to reveal and demonstrate the value He has placed in every creature and every created thing. Today we are living in one of the most pivotal moments of time ever witnessed since creation’s first day. Once again Creator is calling and sending forth pivotal people in pivotal places at a pivotal time to operate as pivotal instruments for the restoration of the fullness and wholeness of well-being in every part of creation and our lives in it.
This intensive course will give the students an unique opportunity to integrate and apply knowledge, skill, and experience with the shofar to real-time restoration for the days ahead. Students are expected to bring their own shofars to each session. Excellent shofars will be available for purchase via TFBC for those who need one or want to purchase an extra one.
Instructor:Pastor Allen Faubion
Pastor Allen Faubion received his B.A. in Ancient Languages from Wheaton College and his Th.M. in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is currently a Pastor at Glory of Zion International. Ps. Allen has ministered in more than 40 countries for 42 years, including St. Petersburg, Russia between 1992 to 1997, and extensively throughout Asia and Africa since 2006. He has extensive experience in equipping people to understand the role of the Shofar and how to effectively use it to bring about meaningful change and restoration in people’s lives, land, and cultures. Allen’s desire is for people to experience how they can use the shofar today and become shofars themselves in the hands of the Creator. Allen and his wife Mindy celebrate 45 years of marriage, have 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren. Allen has produced two CDs “Sound the Shofar” in 2006 and “4 Winds: Experiencing God’s Realm of Restoration” in 2016. In 2019, Allen released his book “The Mighty Sound” in Hong Kong. The CDs and the book have been distributed in both English and Chinese languages.
日期及時間 :
2024年6月14、21日(星期五), 晚上7:00-10:00,
2024年6月15、22日(星期六),下午 2:30-5:30及
2024年6月16日(星期日),下午 2:30-5:30 (共5堂,15小時)
地點 : 香港北角英皇道278-288號新時代廣場2樓C3-C4舖 (座位有限,先到先得) 或選Zoom 網課
授課語言 : 英語,設廣東話翻釋
修分費用 : 實體及網上上堂(學費港幣1,500元)
旁聽費用 : 實體或網上上堂(旁聽費港幣300元)
截止報名日期 : 2024年5月14日
報名手續 :
2024年5月14日或之前登入 報名。
同學亦可以選擇以信用卡支付旁聽費, 請登入 報名。
逾期報名 : 須繳交行政費港幣100元。
由於學院已全面使用Google Classroom發放本科的所有資料,故所有同學需使用Gmail電郵戶口。若你沒有Gmail, 請前往 建立Google帳戶。
付款方式 :
- 郵寄支票: 支票抬頭: “Tung Fook Bible College Limited”,支票背面寫上姓名及課程編號,郵寄:同福聖經學院,香港北角英皇道278-288號新時代廣場2樓C3-C4舖
- 銀行轉賬或直接存款: 匯豐銀行戶口: 809-117278-001 Tung Fook Bible College
- 匯豐 PayMe: 請將學費「PayMe 交易詳情收據」連同姓名及課程編號在GoogleForm上載
- 「多走一里」學費豁免: 「多走一里」計劃豁免同福堂小組組長/副組長/助手/事奉人員學費。請注意!豁免費用不包括逾期報名行政費港幣100元
同福堂同工: 請於2024年5月14日或之前將獲批之Payment Requisition及Study Allowance表格交往同福聖經學院。
Course Outline:
Session One: Sounds of Restoration
- To learn how to blow the shofar and its 5 basic sounds.
- To understand three main uses of the shofar.
- To explore the Biblical connection between the shofar and the voice of God.
- To distinguish the difference and similarity between blowing a shofar and being a shofar.
Session Two: Signs of Restoration
- To identify when to blow the shofar personally and in group settings.
- To understand the prophetic role of the shofar today through key Biblical passages.
- To look at specific prophecies spoken for the shofar and its role in Hong Kong.
- To gain a practical understanding of the Shofar and Restoration through the 4Winds CD.
Session Three: Sons & the Shofar
- To take a detailed look at Romans 8 and Revelation 6 to see the link between the shofar and Jesus’ role as Son of God and our role as Sons of God especially in these apocalyptic times.
- To learn how to blow the shofar together with other people in a manner that will change things around you.
Session Four: Shofar and Creator’s System for Restoration
- To overview the role of the Shofar in the Biblical revelation pertaining to Creation.
- To explore and embrace the key dynamic of using shofar and Creator’s design for bringing restoration to the earth and creation.
Session Five: Shofar and the Science of Restoration
- To understand the role and nature of Shofar Assignments for restoration in one’s sphere(s).
- To develop a personal plan for fulfilling shofar assignments.
購買號角 : 如欲透過聖經學院購買號角,請留意學院發給報讀學生的電郵。
- 旁聽生毋需購買課本或參考書及呈交功課 。
- 如欲修學分,請在報名Google Form 「 報讀科目修學分 」 內選科 。
如有查詢,請聯絡聖經學院, 電話: 2570 2500 電郵: