推薦書 Recommendation 基督教道學碩⼠ Master of Divinity Please answer the following questions (in English or Chinese) and check the personal knowledge matrix to the best of your knowledge. The information that you give will be held in strict confidence. 請儘量回答(中或英⽂均可)以下的問題及對申請⼈的個⼈認識表格,⼀切資料均保密處理。 *Required *必填項 1. Relationship with the Applicant 與申請⼈的關係 *Name of Applicant 申請人姓名 *I have known the applicant for 我已認識申請人有 *I know the applicant 我對申請⼈的認識 Casually ⼀般Fairly Well 相熟Very Well 深入 *In what capacity? 在什麼情況下認識申請⼈? 2. Applicant's Character Matrix 申請⼈性格評語 *Leadership Ability 領導能⼒ Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Initiative 主動性 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Teamwork 團隊精神 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Boundary Between Genders 定立男女關係之界線 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Emotional Stability 情緒穩定 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Integrity 誠信 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Academic Potential 學術潛能 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Concern for Others 關⼼別⼈ Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Purposefulness 處事有⽬標 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Church Involvement 在教會參與程度 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Creativity 創意 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 *Responsibility 責任感 Excellent 優秀Good 好 Average ⼀般Below Avg. 低於⼀般Unknown 不清楚 Additional Comments 其他評語 *In terms of the applicant’s character, current time and financial commitments, potential success in Christian ministry and motivation in studying, why do you recommend this applicant for study in this point of his/her life? Please state reasons. 基於申請⼈的個性、時間與財政上的負擔、在將來事奉成功的潛質與學習的⾃發性等各⽅⾯, 你為何會推薦申請⼈在這時刻就讀本課程? My position on the applicant to apply for the Master of Ministry Program of your College *本⼈對申請人入讀貴學院的基督教事⼯碩⼠課程的立場 Wholeheartedly Recommend 全⼼推薦Recommend 推薦Do Not Recommend 不推薦 3. About the Referee 關於諮詢⼈ *Name of Referee 諮詢⼈姓名: *Name of company/organization 公司/機構名稱: *Position 職位: *Address 聯絡地址: *Phone 聯絡電話: *E-mail: