1. 認定你的呼召與使命 Identify your Calling and Mission
- 呼召的本質 Essence of calling
- 抱負與野心的對照 Aspiration versus ambition
- 異象與使命 Vison and mission
- 建立正確的天國觀﹑教會觀和世界觀 Develop the proper views on Kingdom, Church and World
2. 建立內在屬靈素質 Develop Inner Spiritual Qualities
- 敬虔與聖潔 Godliness and holiness
- 對主的愛 Love for Christ
- 信心與順服 Faith and obedience
- 對神話語的愛慕 Delight in God’s Word
- 禱告與靜修Prayer and quiet time
- 願意付作領袖的代價 Willing to pay the price of leadership
- 享受生命 Enjoy life
- 天然領袖與屬靈領袖的對照 Natural versus spiritual leadership
3. 建立你的品格 Develop your Character
- 正直與真誠 Integrity and sincerity
- 自信 Self-confidence
- 勇氣 Courage
- 謙卑 Humility
- 自律 Self-discipline
- 對人尊重 Respect for others
- 同情心 Empathy
- 寬恕 Forgiveness
4. 了解你的領導風格和發展你的潛力 Understand your Leadership Style and Develop your Potential
- 了解你原有的領導風格 Understand your default leadership style
- 才幹與恩賜 Natural talents and spiritual gifts
- 發掘和培育屬靈恩賜 Discover and develop spiritual gifts
- 智慧與聰明 Wisdom and cleverness
- 不斷更新和學習 Continuous renewal and learning
- 異象傳遞 Vision casting
- 領袖的持續力 Leadership sustainability
- 作領袖的風險 Perils of leadership
5. 提升策劃和執行能力 Enhance Planning and Execution Abilities
- 計劃能力 Planning abilities
- 判斷力 Judgment
- 決斷力 Decisiveness
- 傳統與創新 Tradition and innovation
- 執行能力 Execution abilities
- 時間管理 Time management
- 變革管理 Change management
- 衝突處理 Conflict management
- 危機管理 Crisis management
- 權利下放 Delegation of power
6. 提升人際交往能力 Enhance Interpersonal Skills
- 團隊精神 Team spirit
- 感染力 Inspirational power
- 靈活手腕 Tact and diplomacy
- 建立友誼 Building friendship
- 培養幽默感 Develop a sense of humor
- 向上和向下的管理 Managing up and managing down
- 承擔責任 Accountability
- 情緒管理 Emotion management
7. 提升機構管治效能 Enhance Corporate Governance Efficiency
- 財務管理 Financial management
- 預算 budget
- 批准 approval
- 審計 audit
- 糾正與處分 Correct and discipline
- 私隱政策 Privacy Policy
- 防止歧視政策 Policy against discrimination
- 善用科技 Proper use of technology
- 訴訟處理 Litigation handling
8. 建立佈道﹑植堂﹑門徒訓練和傳承策略 Develop Strategies for Evangelism, Church Planting, Discipleship Training and Succession Planning
- 佈道策略 Strategies of evangelism
- 門徒訓練策略 Strategies of Discipleship Training
- 植堂策略 Strategies of church planting
- 任用賢能 Attract good people
- 領袖傳承 Leadership succession
9. 領袖通識 Common Knowledge Useful for Leaders
- 歷史/政治 history/politics
- 經濟/財務 economics/finance
- 文學/藝術 Literature/art
- 哲學/文化思潮 Philosophy / trends of thoughts
- 科學 Science
- 科技 Technology
- 法律 Law
- 宗教 Religion
10. 領袖的復原力/總結/課程評估 Resilience of Leadership/Conclusion/Course Evaluation
- 領袖容易犯的錯誤
- 失敗後重新開始 Recovery from failure
- 作領袖的賞賜
- 總結
- 課程評估